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Warming cocktail recipes

Everyone has their own recipes for a good mood, but Curtis knows the most magical ones! A cozy evening is not cozy enough without delicious drinks! Here are recipes for warming cocktails, where one of the main ingredients is a fragrant pyramid of Curtis tea. Choose the recipe you like and create!
Recipe 1. Grape punch
To prepare 250-300ml (1 serving) of the Grape Punch drink you will need:
Curtis Isabella Grape — 1 pyramid
Cinnamon — 1/2 stick
Ginger — small piece
Rosemary — 2 cm
Orange — 1/2 slice
Cane sugar — 1 cube
How to prepare:
Put a pyramid of Curtis tea, spices, rosemary, and half a slice of orange in a glass. Pour hot water (98-100°C) and leave to brew for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, take out the pyramid and add sugar to taste.
Recipe 2. Berry magic
To prepare 250-300ml (1 serving) of the Berry Magic drink you will need:
Curtis Blue Berries Blues — 1 pyramid
Fresh mint — 2 leaves
Pink pepper — 1 teaspoon without a slide
Cane sugar — 1 cube
How to prepare:
Put a pyramid of CURTlS tea and mint in a glass. Pour hot water (98-100°C), add pink pepper and mix gently. Leave to brew for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, take out the pyramid and add sugar to taste.
Recipe 3. Lemon mulled wine
To prepare 250-300ml (1 serving) you will need:
Curtis Sunny lemon – 1 pyramid
Fresh thyme – 1-2 sprigs
Star anise – 1/3 star
Cane sugar – 1 cube
How to prepare:
Put a pyramid of tea, thyme, and star anise in a glass. Pour hot water (98-100°C) and leave to brew for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, take out the pyramid and add sugar to taste.
Recipe 4. Mandarin mojito
To prepare 250-300ml (1 serving) you will need:
Curtis Fresh Mojito – 1 pyramid
Rosemary – ½ sprig
Mandarin - 1/4
Cane sugar – 1 cube
How to prepare:
Put a pyramid tea bag, half a sprig of rosemary, and a quarter of a mandarin in a glass. Pour hot water (98-100°C) and leave to brew for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, take out the pyramid and add sugar.
Warm up with cocktails from Curtis!